Environmental Driving Code
Did you know the way you drive your car can reduce the amount of CO2 you emit - and help to reduce your impact on global warming? It can also save you money - fuel consumption can vary by up to 45% on the same route, while reducing accidents. Follow our Road Rules for a Cleaner Climate, and help Avis’ drive for a greener future. 1. Drive Smoothly Try to avoid harsh acceleration and braking - pulling away too fast can use up 60% more fuel. 2. Change Gear Efficiently Changing gear at 1,500 to 2,500 rpm can save up to 15% on fuel - and reduce emissions by the same amount. 3. Concentrate Look ahead and anticipate road conditions and other people’s actions - this reduces the need for hard braking and acceleration, and so will help you drive more efficiently. 4. Avoid Short Journeys Short journeys on a cold engine use up to twice as much fuel as a warmed up engine, producing more pollution - only make necessary journeys. 5. Don’t Rev Avoid revving the engine unnecessarily - this wastes fuel and increases harmful emissions. 6. Limit Your Speed Observe the speed limits - by driving fast you increase the emissions from the vehicle - and optimise your fuel consumption while avoiding speeding fines and pedestrians. 7. Plan Your Journeys Plan your journeys to avoid peak periods, road works and getting lost - you’ll have a more relaxing journey and waste less fuel. 8. Traffic Jams If stuck in a traffic jam for more than a couple of minutes, turn off the engine to cut exhaust emissions and conserve fuel. 9. Keep Your Cool Using air vents rather then open windows reduces fuel by 4%, while air conditioning can increase fuel consumption by up to 2 litres per 100km. 10. Drive Carbon Neutral® Avis is the first car rental company in the world to offer Carbon Neutral® driving to all its customers. By booking your car on www.avis.at, you can rent a car and absorb the CO2 emissions from your car hire with a few mouse clicks! Even better, why not become an entirely Carbon Neutral® driver? Visit www.carbonneutral.com for more information.