


Customers going to Szczecin may rest in Radisson SAS Hotel. It is situated in cultural and business centre of the city and it is a part of Pazim - commercial group of buildings.

Avis has its office in a hotel lobby and rents cars to individuals and companies from this region.
Radisson SAS offers its clients modern and comfortable quipped rooms, apartaments and restaurants. It has a beautifully located bar with a view of the city. It also has a Fitness World and a Business Centre as well. It offers an atractive golf package, which is a nice way to spend free time.
With this package you will have a preferential rates when renting a car from Avis

For more information please contact Radisson SAS +48 (91) 35 95 595.

Radisson SAS Hotels & Resorts:
pl.Rodla 10, PL - 70419 Szczecin, tel. +48 (91) 359 55 95, fax +48(91) 359 45 94
ul.Purkyniego 29/32, PL - 50156 Wroclaw, tel. +48 (71) 375 00 00
ul.Grzybowska 24, PL - 00133 Warszawa, tel. +48 (22) 321 88 88